
Our water law attorneys have handled hundreds of cases and transactions involving the initiation, adjudication, protection, and transfer of water rights; water rights due diligence; changes of the point of diversion or place or purpose of use of existing water rights; the purchase and sale of water rights; water rights exchanges; groundwater permits; approvals of plans for augmentation and substitute water supply plans (SWSPs); and abandonment determinations. In protecting clients’ water rights, we frequently file statements of opposition and negotiate and litigate water disputes throughout Colorado at the agency, trial court, and appellate levels. We also assist clients in obtaining well permits and other administrative matters before the Colorado State Engineer’s Office. Our attorneys have worked with the Department of Interior agencies and the U.S. Forest Service on issues relating to water rights and water facilities on federal lands.

We represent individuals, mutual ditch companies, water conservancy districts, municipal governments and special districts, mining and oil and gas companies, ranchers and farmers, lenders, utilities, and land developers on all issues regarding ground water and surface water throughout Colorado. 

We also assist with water quality protection, including the representation of clients in rule making proceedings involving stream water quality standards and § 208 wastewater management before the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC); obtaining and appealing § 402 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits and their Colorado equivalents, Colorado Discharge Permit System (CDPS) permits; compliance with effluent limitations and storm water management requirements; and defending enforcement actions brought by federal and state regulatory authorities for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act and discharge permits.

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