Updated Agenda Items
On August 1st, Arvada City Council held the first reading of Ordinance 22-063 amending certain provisions within the Land Development Code. The amendment affects the following areas:
- Revisions to Section 3-1-5-3, Short Term Rentals, for overall clarity, a better definition of the local contact, elimination of specific fees for violations, and clarification of inspection by the City.
- The addition of Section 4-5-2-9, Fleet Vehicle Parking, to address the maximum number of spaces within a parking area that can be dedication to company-owned or operated vehicles.
- Revisions to Table 6-1-5-1A, Wall Signs, to eliminate the maximum text limitation on murals.
- The addition of Subsection 8-2-3-11I, Call Ups, to allow for City Council review of Administrative Decisions.
- Revisions to Subsection 8-2-4-3A6, Notice Area, to increase the mailing notice area from property boundaries.
- The addition of criteria in Subsection 8-3-5-3, Site Plan and Site Plan Amendment, to address previously granted Conditional Use approval.
- Additional and revised definitions in Chapter 11.
The public hearing for the proposed amendments will be held on September 19, 2022.
Useful Links
See pp. 166-182, Proposed Land Development Code updates