Updated Agenda Items

On August 1st, Arvada City Council held the first reading of Ordinance 22-063 amending certain provisions within the Land Development Code. The amendment affects the following areas:

  1. Revisions to Section 3-1-5-3, Short Term Rentals, for overall clarity, a better definition of the local contact, elimination of specific fees for violations, and clarification of inspection by the City.
  2. The addition of Section 4-5-2-9, Fleet Vehicle Parking, to address the maximum number of spaces within a parking area that can be dedication to company-owned or operated vehicles.
  3. Revisions to Table 6-1-5-1A, Wall Signs, to eliminate the maximum text limitation on murals.
  4. The addition of Subsection 8-2-3-11I, Call Ups, to allow for City Council review of Administrative Decisions.
  5. Revisions to Subsection 8-2-4-3A6, Notice Area, to increase the mailing notice area from property boundaries.
  6. The addition of criteria in Subsection 8-3-5-3, Site Plan and Site Plan Amendment, to address previously granted Conditional Use approval.
  7. Additional and revised definitions in Chapter 11.

The public hearing for the proposed amendments will be held on September 19, 2022.

Useful Links

See pp. 166-182, Proposed Land Development Code updates