Updated Agenda Items

 Arapahoe County is currently considering numerous, albeit somewhat minor, updates to its Comprehensive Plan. The most significant updates deal with: 

The Planning Commission suggested an update to Chapter III of the Plan which would affect descriptions within the “Urban Residential, Single Family Detached and Attached” category. Specifically, the change will help to distinguish the term “multiplex” from “multi-family”, defining “multiplex” as “a detached (2 to 2.5-story) structure that consists of five to 12 dwelling units arranged side-by-side and/or stacked, typically with a shared entrance from the street."

The planning commission also suggested an amendment to the Urban Residential, Single Detached and Attached category through an addition of criterion #4. The newly suggested criterion mandates that “the project is an infill development developing vacant or under-used parcels within existing urban areas that are already largely developed.”

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